River of God
Experience God and get to know Him through the beauty of creation. Learn life skills, values & teamwork through paddling the Passaic River and other local waterways. Understand and appreciate the history and wildlife that surrounds the City of Paterson, NJ.

Food Pantry
We supply groceries for families with children and seniors (62+). Each family is allowed a monthly visit which provides three meals per day per person for three days.
After-School Center
1st – 8th Grade help with reading and math
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:00pm – 6:00pm
511 East 22nd Street – 1st floor, Paterson, NJ 07514.
We are always looking for volunteer tutors! For more information call Ruth Coleman @ 973-279-9135.1st

Crossroads Crusaders
Providing information and assistance in obtaining senior services including connecting with a local church.
Crossroad Crusaders meets every third Thursday each month from 1pm–3pm at 511 E. 22nd St. for God-glorifying senior social activities which include fellowship, education, and assistance.
Contact Sheila Blythe or Reva Johnson
(973) 278-5627 Ext. 10
Discipleship Houses
Quality, safe, transitional residence for men in recovery.
Developing Christian character, work habits, and family values by providing supervision, counseling and support from Christian men.
Call Director, John Grice
(973) 278-5627 Ext. 20

English Second Language
Fridays at 5:00pm and Saturdays at 9:00am
495 East 22nd Street, Paterson, NJ 07514
Contact Luisa Nales at (973) 278-5627 Ext. 10
Madison Avenue Crossroads
Community Ministries
498 Madison Avenue
Paterson, NJ 07514